Tuesday, May 13, 2014

That Too-Much-Sugar Feeling

I haven’t written since, oh, I don’t know, July, but senior year of college is rough, guys. However, now that I’m a college graduate, I’ve decided to bring this baby back to life. Because I have some things to share. So, without further ado…

I feel full of words right now. My heart is so full of them that it has that recently-consumed-too-much-sugar feeling. It's almost like butterflies, but your chest just feels so happy and so full of 4th of July sparklers that it just wants to burst, which means it hurts a little, too. It makes you talk non-stop. (This is a real feeling, guys.)

I'm not sure why I've had the Too-Much-Sugar feeling lately. Things are ending, and like the Doctor and Peter Pan, I'm not a fan of endings. They break my heart because "'goodbye' means 'going away,' and 'going away' means 'forgetting'" (J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan). (Side note: Writing helps you remember and understand, so keep writing!) Goodbyes represent an end of an era.

So, instead of thinking about how unbearably sad it is that it's all over, let's take a trip down memory lane and remember some fantastic aspects of the Undergrad Era.

In no particular order, here are a few of my favorite non-academic things that happened IN Auburn:

1. Living with these chicks:

A lot of girls have lived in APT 54 (AKA The Bird House).
Thanks for the hours of conversations, forced (but needed) socialization time,
and for screaming to surprise me when I walk through the door (*glares at MC*).

2. Meeting this crazy kid:

Together, we made it through several hard core English classes,
Chicago in January, and awkward dating adventures.

3. Getting four more years of adventuring with one of my high school BFFs: 

Once upon a time, my hair was blond, and Shauna wore cool hats.
Thanks for being the Mad Hatter to my Alice!

4. Experiencing some of the BEST football in Auburn history:

Oh, just enjoying the aftermath of Kick Six with my sister, a future Auburn tiger--
What more could an Auburn girl ask for?

5. Goofing off with these guys:

Because college wouldn't have been fun without you people.
(You caught me. One didn't take place in Auburn,
 but I realized we were picture-less.
Actually, so many people are picture-less, and it makes me sad.
Just know that you, friend, are loved.)

6. Rolling Toomer's Oaks one last time:

Remember that time Auburn had a HUGE block party for the whole fam?
(For the full story, read "A Farewell.")

7. Living with this monster:

His cuteness is deceptive.

 8. Being involved with the Office of University WritingMiller Writing Center, Student Writing Council, the English Club, and RUF (Reformed University Fellowship)

Aubie represents involvement.
(All of the people involved in these groups are spectacular.)

9. Surviving Snowpocalypse 2014 with these folks:

If I had to be stuck in an apartment for three days,
I'm glad it was with you guys.

 10. And graduating with some of the best friends a college kid could ask for: 

Graduation robes give you wings.

As MC says, #APT54lyf3.

All of these memories give me the Too-Much-Sugar feeling. Why? Just look at all of the amazing, brilliant, and fun-loving people I've met. College itself might not be (mostly) about the people, but the college experience relies on them.

Nota bene to all rising college freshmen: People are important. Keep your old friends. Talk to people (including professors) because people are cool. Make new friends. Create weird memories with them that will make saying goodbye difficult, as it should be. You'll get that Too-Much-Sugar feeling soon enough.

Thanks for following me down memory lane!
